The lightweight bradder (1.24 kg) drives brad nails, in length from 18–50 mm. The slim nose and rear-cut magazine allows reaching tight spots. The bradder is equipped with a quick release nose and an adjustable exhaust deflector. The ergonomic design and the rubber grip make the tool operator friendly.
- Applications: Attachment of decorative sealing strips, ornaments, rosettes, glazing strips, trim, moulding, chair rails
- Fastener Length: 18mm-50mm
- Dimensions Length/Height/Width: 248/233/59 mm
- Weight: 1.2 kg
- Magazine Capacity: 104
- Recommended operating pressure: 5-8 bar
- Air consumption per operation: 0.9 litre / 6 bar
- Single-shot emission sound pressure level: L Wa, 1s = 82 dB
- Emission sound pressure level at workstation: L pA, 1s = 73 dB